October 27, 2009

Getting Ready for Christmas and Starting 'Tot School'

Well, it has been quite a while since my last post.  I have been overwhelmed by how much great stuff you can find on Blogs..truely amazing!

Well, I have been keeping very busy....not quite sure what with, but here is a bit:

I have been trying VERY HARD to try and save money!  I joined the 'Cheapskates' website which has heaps of great ideas, tips etc on how to live a less expensive life.  It also has some ideas on being prepared for Christmas so that you can enjoy December rather than rushing around purchasing presents!

In becoming addicted to this website have have decided to create some of our Christmas presents which we plan to give.  I think that they will look great.  All I can say is that there are decorations and something that contains photos....you will have to wait until after Christmas for a peek!

I have also found sooooo many ideas on blogs for activities to do with Z.  He is growing so quickly and I love finding different ways to interact with me.  My favourite site at the moment is '1+1+1=1' which has information on homeschooling and a program or idea called 'Tot School'.  This has encouraged me a lot.  Thank you so much for this information and although Z is too little for a full blown Tot School, I am planning to try and have an interactive or craft activity with him every day....even if it is the same one for a couple of days in a row.

Our first 'theme' is going to be 'On the Farm', so after much surfing of the internet and borrowing some childrens books from the library, I have made a felt board and started making some shapes for use on it. So far, we have a barn and a sheep...

There are a whole range of animals still to come and I thought we could use it as 'Old MacDonald's Farm' to introduce all the noises that animals make....we'll see how it goes!  I will include the templates to make these in my next post.  A print out for the barn can be found at Kiz Club.

After having found Z playing with the Cat food after up-ending the whole box on the Laundry floor, it seemed he was ready for some fine motor skill activities, so I purchased some pom-poms from the Reject Shop (only cost $2.00) and I think that this has kept him more entertained than any of his other toys.  Just goes to show it doesn't have to cost much for a childs toy to be entertaining!  Anyway, he is now constantly following me around the house with the container of Pom-Pom's wanting me to open them!

Following on from my previous post, I have included the artwork for the babushka doll so that you can make one of your own!

Well, I guess that is about it for now.

Look forward to catching up soon!
