January 11, 2010

Stained Glass Windows

The creative juices have been flowing over the weekend so I decided to create some templates for Stained Glass Windows.  I googled the idea and couldn’t find templates I was happy with for my little man, so I created some to share as well as the following instructions on how to make them!

Before you start, just a note to say 'bare with me' as this is my first tutorial.  I hope you enjoy it!  If you have any feedback or suggestions, please e-mail me at cahutton@tpg.com.au

Please also note that these instructions and templates are for private use only and cannot be reproduced or sold without my consent.

Printout of template
Craft Knife
Black craft cardboard
White pencil or piece of chalk
Clear contact
Cellophane in a variety of colours

Print out a template provided on this page or create a unique one of your own.

Using a craft knife cut out all of the internal shapes first (these are the areas that the cellophane will be stuck and are coloured grey).  By cutting the internal lines first, it gives the shape strength and is much easier than doing this after the outside lines.

Once the internal shapes are removed, cut along the outside line to finish your pattern.

Place the pattern on top of the black craft card and trace around using the white pencil or chalk.  This gives you the frame for your Stained Glass Window.

Using the craft knife, cut along all of the internal lines revealing the ‘glass’ areas of your window.  Cut along the outside line to complete your Stained Glass Window frame.

Cut a piece of contact to fit around the Stained Glass window frame.

Trim the contact to fit.

 You are now ready to decorate with pieces of cut up cellophane!


Well, I hope that you have enjoyed this tutorial.  If you have any suggestions for other window frames that you would like to see please email me or leave a comment below!



January 10, 2010

A Challenge for Me....

Well.  It has been quite a while since my last post, and I haven't a clue where all the time has gone!  Anyway, I have decided to set myself a challenge....

About this time last year, I bought the "All Creatures Great and Small" pattern by Natalie Bird with the intention of creating a quilt for Z for when he advances to a big boy bed....well....I have completed half of the embroideries with only eight to go.  My challenge....to finish one a week for the next eight weeks!  At the very least, I wish to have the quilt finished to give him for his second birthday which is less than 6 months away.  Having a goal like this has gotten me very motivated and I almost finished a whole embroidery last night...hopefully I can keep this going!!!

Good luck if you have set yourself any challenges or resolutions for the new year!  I would love to hear about them!!!
